Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, unobtrusive Google ads on your website's content pages and earn money. Google Adsence combines pay-per-click(PPC) and pay-per-impression advertising meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site .

How Much You Can Earn Through This Program?
The Google ads you are able to display on your content pages can be either cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM) ads.
you could easily make $100 or much (much!) more from your site each week.

When You get paid?
Google will send your check or EFT payment within approximately 30 days of the end of the month in which your account balance reaches US$100. 

Make a Blog Site 
**Befor Setup a AdSense programme requires you to have a website. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a free blog at

It,s Very easy Steps
1 Create an Account
2 Name Your Blog 

3 Choose a Template

Let's Start Google Adsence
Getting started is quick and easy.Click On This Icon to Sign into Adsence Signup

Fill the form as follows Correctly .

Then Click on Submit Information.

**After the Submit You'r Form Google will review your application and follow up with an email within 2-3 days. You just go to the your email account read and click on the link .Afterthat your adsence Account will automatically activated**

Now Log in to your Adsence Account Type your User Name and Password .

Easy Steps
1. Choose the AdSense Setup tab. On the Get Ads page, click the AdSense for Content link to create a standard Google ad unit.

2. Next, select the ad type. Since you'll be creating a standard ad unit, choose the Ad Unit radio button. To enable the widest selection of ads to display on your pages. 

3. Customize your ads . Select the size you'd like from one of different ad formats, keeping in mind that larger and wider ad units tend to perform better.

4. Next, select colors for your ads.

5. You can add a channel (Add Width & Higdth Eg: 250*250 )

6. Name your AdSense ad unit.Click Submit and Get The Code 

07 Finally click anywhere inside the grey box to select the code, then right-click and select copy. You can now paste the code into the HTML source code of your site.

Free Submit your site to Yahoo Click on image